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GTC & GTD Orders

Good till Cancelled order (GTC) and Good-Till-Date (GTD) order both are only applicable for Commodities.

Good till Cancelled order (GTC) – For Commodities.

The GTC order is more popular among savvy commodity traders and hedgers who are willing to wait longer to get the price of their choice. This GTC order will be open till the time the trader placing the order actually cancels the order or the order gets automatically executed. Remember, all GTC orders will automatically stand canceled on the expiry date.

Good till date orders (GTD)- For Commodities

Good-Till-Date (GTD) order is a slight variant of the GTC order. The only difference is that in a GTD order, the date is specified in advance and if the order is not executed by that data then it stance automatically canceled. A GTD order can only be placed on a date that is prior to the expiry date of that particular contract.

At Flattrade, we offer GTT instead of GTC and GTD.

GTT (Good till Trigger)

The duration of the GTT order is till it triggers or 365 days, and these orders are two types, these are

  1. DAY –  Only for the trading day or till it triggers
  2. GTT – 365 days or till it triggers

Click here to know more about the GTT orders.