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Market Watch

For every user, to the max of 5 market watchlists can be maintained. Under each market watch, you will be able to add 50 scrips. These market watch are common and synced across our different trading platforms available in mobile, desktop applications, and web. Marketwatch is a place where you can add your favorite stocks and can follow the trend.

Universal Search:

 This is the first section in the market watch, this will be your one Place to instantly search any stocks and contracts across all segments and exchanges, which you can add in Marketwatch by clicking the scrip / click on the plus icon. You can also able to place an order from the Search result

Some of the Examples to search and add scrips onto MarketWatch


Search Type Keyword Sample
NSE / BSE Stock Stockname
NFO Future Contract Contract Name <space>FUT
NFO Option Contract Contract Name <space>OPT
NFO Option Contract for Particular Strike price Contract Name <space> Strike Price
NFO Option Contract with Strike Price and option Type Contract Name <Space>Strike Price <space> option type(CE/PE)

Market Depth

 In Market depth, you can able to find the Top 5 Bids(Buyers) and Offers (sellers). To open Market Depth, Keep your mouse on any stock or contract and click on the icon . You can also able to see the other scrip details as below:

LOW  – Lowest Price for the day

HIGH – Highest Price for the day

OPEN – Opening Price for the day

PREV. CLOSE – Yesterday’s closing price

TOT.BQ – Total Buy quantity for the Day

TOT SQ – Total Sell Quantity for the Day

LTQ – Last Traded Quantity

LTT – Last Traded Time

LCL – Lower Circuit limit

UCL – Upper Circuit Limit


You can delete any stock/contract from your Marketwatch, which you added earlier. To Delete, Keep your mouse on any stock or contract and click on the icon .