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Order Book

Order Book:

Order book is the section where you can able to see all your orders in one place. To open the Order book, click on the Orders in the Top Menu, you see orders under 4 tabs:

In this order section, the page will have two sections,

  1. Open Orders
  2. Closed Orders.

Open Orders Section:

Under Open order, you can able to see the pending order across all the segments and Products with the Status as Open

Headers Description
Instrument Stock or Contract with
Type Buy or Sell
Product CNC, MIS, CO,BO, MTF
QTY Traded qty/Total Qty
Price Price which you have placed the order
Trigger Price Applicable only for the SL and SLM
Order Value Total Order value
Status Open

Modify the Pending orders:

  1. Click on the icon  and select Modify.

  2. Now the Order form will open with all the existing values.

  3. Here you can modify the price, QTY, Validity and order type,
  4. Click on Modify.

Cancel Order:

  1. Click on the icon  and select Cancel

  2. To cancel the Order, Click on Yes.

  3. Now the order has been canceled Successfully.

Order Info.

  1. Click on the icon and select the Info.

  2. You can able to see the full Order details under this window

Order History

  1. Click on the icon and select History.

  2. You can able to see the complete History of the order under this window:

Closed Order

Under the closed order section, you can able to see all the canceled, Completed, and rejected orders.

Headers Description
Instrument Stock or Contract with
Type Buy or Sell
Product CNC, MIS, CO,BO, MTF
QTY Traded qty/Total Qty
Price Price which you have placed the order
Trigger Price Applicable only for the SL and SLM
Order Value Total Order value
Status Completed, Rejected and Canceled.

Order Info.

  1. Click on the icon and select the Info.

  2. You can able to see the full Order details under this window

Order History

  1. Click on the icon and select History.

  2. You can able to see the complete History of the order under this window:


Next to orders, we have a section called as GTT, where you can see all the pending GTT orders.

Using the menu option () you can able to Modify or Cancel the pending GTT order.


Tradebook is the section where you can able to see all your trades done for the day.

Headers Description
Instrument Stock or Contract with Exchange
Type Buy or Sell
Product CNC, MIS, CO,BO, MTF
Time Traded Time
QTY Traded qty
Price Price which you have order got traded
Trade Value Total Trade value
Order number Exchange order number


You can also see the Info of the order by selecting the info option under the