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What is Multi-leg Order?

Multileg order is an IOC order (immediate or cancel) with Market order.

It is two leg and three leg orders, where the client can hedge the positions, with:

  1. Group 1 Nifty Options
  2. Group 2: Index Futures
  3. Group3: Stock F&O symbol starting A – G
  4. Group4: Stock F&O symbol starting H – M
  5. Group5: Bank Nifty Options
  6. Group6: Stock F&O symbol starting N – Z.

The order gets rejected immediately if the price does not trade in the market. Multileg orders can be placed by selecting the products NRML/MIS, and hedge benefit will be received

Any order placed under MIS and CO & BO will automatically be squared off within half an hour before the market closes for respective exchange segments or the Intraday MTM reaches 70% whichever is earlier