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How to open a HUF account with Flattrade?

Step 1: Please download Non-Individual Account Opening Form (download link) and DP Form (download link).

Step 2: Now fill in the details in these forms as per the sample forms. For sample forms, click the links — HUF account opening sample form and HUF DP sample form.

Step 3: Attach all the required documents. Click here to know the required documents for HUF account.

Step 4: After filling out the form with all the required documents, send us the scan of the form to [email protected] and [email protected] for checking the form.

Step 5: KYC Team and DP team will check the scanned image of the form and revert you if there is any further requirement.

Step 6: Post confirmation from our KYC Team & DP team, Send the form and the required documents to our Chennai Address

Fortune Capital Services Pvt Ltd
Kochar Technology Park, 6 th Floor,
1 st Cross Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate,
Ambattur, Chennai – 600058.

Step: 7: After receiving your courier we will do the further process of account opening, and you will receive an authentication email to confirm your account opening.