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Trading Products – Flattrade.

Product – NRML – 

NRML stands for Normal product and it is a delivery product. NRML is available for the trading in equity, Equity Futures, Options, Currency and Commodities. In Equity cash, NRML is 2 (two) times delivery product, and the clients can buy the shares with the two times leverage. Click here to view the scrips that can buy under the two times category.

Product –CNC

CNC stands for Cash & Carry, and this is the product used for delivery / carry forward based trades. CNC is used to sell the stocks in the Demat account and if there are no stocks in the DP/ T1 Holding, the selling is not allowed in CNC.

Product – MIS

MIS stands for the Margin Intraday square -off. It applies for the intraday trades, where the client can buy/sell the stocks/futures & options contracts in any segment. The positions taken under MIS will be squared off on the same day, and if the client has not squared off the positions before the intraday square off time, the positions will be will be automatically squared off during the last 30 minutes of the closing of market hours. Call N trade charges would be charged for these admin auto square off trades.

Product – CO

CO stands for Cover Order and the positions taken under this order type(CO) are intra-day positions and it will be squared off during the last 30 minutes of the closing market hours. In this two orders can be placed, trigger price and stop loss trigger price. The shortcut key for placing the CO order is, Shift+ F1 for Buy & Shift+ F2 for sell.

Product-  BO

BO order stands for Bracket order. It is an Intraday Product, with the auto square off facility during the last 30 minutes of the closing market hours. Clients can use the Bracket Order to place the target order and trailing stop loss order at a time. The shortcut key- for the trades are – Shift+ F3 for Buy & Shift+ F4 for sell.

Product – MTF

MTF stands for Margin Trade Funding (MTF). It is a Funding Product, with delivery and the clients who have activated the MTF trading segment can trade through this product. Please CLICK HERE to know the stocks that are enabled for the Funding.

Product – AMO (after Market Orders)

AMO order stands for the aftermarket orders, and this can be placed after the market hours. Margin will not be validated at the time of placing the orders and when the order is pushed to the market, margin validates and trades accordingly. AMO for the equity (cash, futures, options) starts at – 5 PM to 9.10 AM, and Currency – 5 Pm to 8:55 AM. Commodity timings are – 12 AM to 8:55 AM

Product – GTT

GTT Stands for Good Till Trigger, is an alternative product for GTC orders, (Good Till Cancel). GTT is like AMO orders and this can be used for all the segments to the buy and sell the stocks & Futures and Options. In GTT the client can enter a trigger price of the stock/futures & Options / Commodities, and when the trigger price hit, the admin will automatically push the order to the Exchange with limit price. Margin is not required at the time of placing the GTT order but margin will be validated only at the time of sending the order to the exchange and if the margin is not available the order will get rejected. GTT order (Trigger Order) is to be selected from the option special orders, Trigger Order- Buy Trigger order and Sell trigger order.  GTT order you can select any of the products, CNC, NRML & MTF, and the margins will be debited as per the selection of the products.

Multileg Orders.

Multileg order is an IOC order (immediate or cancel) with Market order. It is two leg and three leg orders, where the client can hedge the positions, with: Group 1 Nifty Options, Group 2: Index Futures, Group3: Stock F&O symbol starting A – G, Group4: Stock F&O symbol starting H – M, Group5: Bank Nifty Options, Group6: Stock F&O symbol starting N – Z. Click here to know more about the Multileg orders.  The order gets rejected immediately if the price does not trade in the market. Multileg orders can be placed by selecting the products NRML/MIS, and hedge benefit will be received

Any order placed under MIS and CO & BO will automatically be squared off within half an hour before the market closes for respective exchange segments or the Intraday MTM reaches 80% whichever is earlier.